About Us

Senclusion is a wholly owned service provided by Active Communities Experiences a dedicated not for profit, funded by Sport England and supported by GM Moving. A.C.E. are the lead organisation for SEND community test and learn in Stockport, and work in partnership with varying organisations involved in both clinical and social elements of outreach and support.
Senclusion is our latest development, which seeks to provide an ever evolving open access platform where parents and carers can subscribe to free memberships which will enable them to access information, online and in person resources, events, local offers and increase their knowledge and share their experiences and insights.
We seek to improve understandings as to how best services and systems can be navigated and, as a consequence, reduce inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of families, carers and the SEND community as a whole.
This platform will continue to evolve and enable a range of organisations both public, private and third sector to contribute and support our aims and objectives. We will also be enhancing the platform to include a community element where lived experiences and opinions can be shared in the hope that SEND communities can contribute to future policy considerations and co production of systems and structures.

What We Do

Senclusion seeks to work with all providers across the education, health and social care sector, to ensure that parents’ and carers’ voices are represented in the design and delivery of services. 
We provide an accessible, secure, environment for all parents and carers, where their experiences and voices can be shared and ultimately heard across local, regional, and national government.
We wish to in the future provide an important role in all engagement and consultation, where we aspire to remove the consultative culture of pre determined questions with a more co-produced approach where both questions and answers are sought from SEND communities.
We commit to ensuring that one size fits all approaches to education, care and support are reduced and all children are provided with an equal opportunity to contribute to society, based upon the insights generated by our online community.
ace stockport kids